Skulptural, 1983, C-print of a polaroid, mounted on aluminium, 100.5 x 102 cm

"It is afternoon. Afternoons are reserved for my work. The curtains are drawn shut; a yellowish light passes through the material. A piece of white cloth is spread out on the floor. My arena. Some of the utensils lie in a state of readiness. The Polaroid camera is placed provocatively upon my table alongside my sketchbook. I cover my naked body with the robe that I wear when working. Everything has been prepared and now waits to be set in motion. The various pieces of mirrors, the fabrics, the knife, Neocolor, acrylic paint, rolls of Polaroid film; most of the time I am freezing cold at the beginning. I descend deep into myself."
Hannah Villiger, Arbeitsbuch, 29.5.1989